How It Works

Add New Memory

To add a new image-memory association, please click on the top right corner.

Add Image Prompt

Enter a description of the image prompt for what you want to see on the memory image

Make AI Research

Ask AI questions to help create an image prompt, for example: How do you say 'fish' in French? - In French, you would say 'poisson' for 'fish.'

Image Prompt

Fish with a bottle of poison next to it on the kitchen table

Image Check

If you are happy with your memory image, click 'Save'.

Save Memory

Now you need to save the memory. Choose a name, description, category, and room where you want to view it.

Open Rooms

Navigate to your rooms and click 'Open Room' to view memories in spatial space.


Now you can view memories in your virtual rooms to memorize them in different environments.